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Challenging Move?
We are at your service
Professional Pet Transport (PPT) is available to help make any move as easy as possible for you and your family. Our goal is to take the stress out of your relocation by making sure your pets move goes smoothly.
When you put your pet in our hands, you can be comfortable in knowing that their safety, health and happiness is our #1 priority!
We make sure they are secure, cared for and loved at all times. Here at PPT, we specialize in TLC...Tender, Loving Care!
Planning Your Pets Trip
We are ready to handle your pets travel every step of the way
We will coordinate your pets travel plans, and veterinarian appointments.
Paperwork & Endorsement
We will ensure that your pet travels with the correct paperwork and requirements.
Check-In & Arrival
Our specialized relocation service will personally help your pet make it to their new home safe & sound.
Preparing your pet
Please send us their height, weight, breed, age, temperament.
Where are you moving from and what is your end destination.
When will the move take place.
We have no limitations on the types of pets we accept or the final destinations.
Here are some photos of past travelers.

Who Are We?
Professional Pet Transport was started by Dr. Jerry Godfry, who, while practicing veterinary medicine, noticed a tremendous amount of relocation of families by companies in the area. He realized his clients wanted their pet's relocation to be handled as smooth as possible.
So along with his wife, Jane they took that one added responsibility of arranging your pet's move and became "Your Pet's Travel Agent".
Professional Pet Transport
Connecting families and pets world wide since 1985
Professional Pet Transport is a member of IPATA, the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association, for over 30 years.